Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (2024)

We will now tie up some loose ends in Greenpath and Queen's Gardens as indicated below:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (1)

Have the Stag take you to Grenpath. Make your way up and left to the first destination beyond Lake of Unn, then jump into the acid lake and swim all the way left to reach a hidden path. Follow the path around and down until you fall into a watery area. A large creature will appear and spit out the Shape of Unn charm (30/40). Climb up on the right, break a wooden shortcut barrier, and backtrack all the way back to the Stag Station. Drop all the way down, then go left towards the second destination: Nailmaster Sheo's Hut. Go inside to find the Nailsmith here:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (2)

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Talk to him to unlock an achievement:

  • Happy Couple

    Allow the Nailsmith to find a new calling

    Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (3)

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Leave the hut, then make your way all the way to the right and then up to destination 3. Jump to a previously inaccessible ledge to rescue a Grub (43/46). From here, head down to destination 4, the Stone Sanctuary. Make your way to the central area to find No Eyes, the third of seven Dream Warriors. Agree to challenge him to begin the battle. No Eyes does not do any direct attacks; instead she just teleports around the area while spirits float back and forth. Avoid the spirits and attack No Eyes when you can. After defeating her, talk to her and you will receive 200 essence, putting you over 600 total and unlocking an achievement:

  • Attunement

    Collect 600 Essence

    Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (7)

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Exit the Stone Sanctuary and make your way left and down to the Queen's Station Stag Station. Call the Stag and have him take you to Queen's Gardens. Exit right, drop down, then go left through a wall to find a Grub (44/46). Backtrack to the station and go left through the wall to destination 5. Here, you will find Marmu, the fourth of seven Dream Warriors. Agree to challenge him to begin the battle. Marmu just somewhat erratically charges you in ball form and occasionally teleports around the area. After defeating him, talk to him and you will receive 200 essence. Go back to the Stag Station, rest at the bench, and make your way up the unexplored area leading to destinations 7 and 8.

IMPORTANT! Hit a switch at the location marked with the red star to open a gate blocking the path downward. We need to be able to come up through this path for a task later in the playthrough.

Once you reach this new area, you'll have to do some platforming across platforms that drop and avoid the thorned edges. Carefully jump and dash through this area and exit in the upper left. Ignore the left exit for now and climb up towards destination 7. At the top there will be a windowed area on the left:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (11)

Break the window and you'll face a challenging platforming section outside. You need to climb and super dash from side to side with some Mosslfies in your way (I used Shade Soul to kill them). You can jump, dash, then double jump from the right wall to the final platform. Free the Grub at the top (45/46), then carefully backtrack to the broken window and exit right. You'll be back in Greenpath near a Whispering Root- hit it with the Dream Nail, then cut the nearby vine to open the way to an area we had been in earlier and collect the 44 essence. You can swim in the acid water so kill the Durandoo in the area for Hunter's Journal progress. When done, backtrack to the previous screen and drop down to the left exit I instructed you to ignore earlier. Should you not be at full health, return to the bench to heal and then return to this point. Exit left towards destination 8.

Dash through the void barrier and follow the path around until you can jump up into a room above. Do so and you will be sealed in and attacked by Mantis enemies. Kill the first and Cloth will appear to kill the second. Two more will appear- kill them and the Traitor Lord battle will begin. Cloth will continue to help.

Traitor Lord has two primary attacks: he will dash straight ahead and he will jump into the air and dash downward at an angle. Try to react quickly by either backing up or dashing through/over him, then counterattack. He will also do two less frequent attacks: punch the ground to release shockwaves that must be dashed through and throw out two arcing orange blades. After dealing enough damage, the boss will impale Cloth who will then deal a fatal blow before dying herself. Defeating the Traitor Lord unlocks an achievement:

  • Execution

    Defeat the Traitor Lord

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After the battle, exit left and make your way to a hut. Kill the Aluba flying by for a journal entry, then enter and follow a linear path to reach the White Lady. Interact with her and she will give you the White Fragment, half of the Kingsoul charm:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (15)

Leave the hut and backtrack to the Stag Station (you can talk to Cloth's ghost on the way). Rest at the bench, then have the Stag take you to Distant Village. Exit the station and drop down to an entrance to a hut on the left. Enter, then go right where several NPCs will suggest that you rest on the bench. Do so and a scene will occur, after which you will awaken in the Beast's Den. Press Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (16) a few times to free yourself, then make your way to the right. A floor section will collapse; take that path down and left to find a Hallownest Seal. You can continue right to find another floor section breaks revealing a path to some geo deposits. Backtrack, then jump up onto a path above to the left and you will have to engage a Stalking Devout.

Continue forward and another floor section will break revealing a path back to the lower section. Just ahead you can climb up to find a path on the left with another Stalking Devout and a Soul Totem. Go back and climb up, then head left. Follow the path and another floor section will collapse. Go down to find a right path that leads to a Bluggsac with a Rancid Egg, then drop down to the path below for two geo deposits (the ground section will collapse here, as well). Climb all the way up and go right. A floor section ahead will collapse to reveal a pit of spikes, so be careful not to fall in. Climb up and you will hear a grub. Go left at the top and a floor section will collapse. Drop down to rescue the final Grub (46/46), unlocking an achievement:

  • Metamorphosis

    Rescue all of the imprisoned grubs

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Continue along and climb up to a geo deposit, then drop down and go left past another Stalking Devout. Take the path up and go right past yet another Stalking Devout to find Herrah the Beast. Hit her with the Dream Nail and you will be teleported into a dream world. Go right and attack Herrah until she starts to explode. You will be prompted to hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (21) to focus:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (22)

After a brief scene plays out, an achievement will unlock:

  • Beast

    Destroy Herrah the Beast

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You will wake in Herrah's chamber with Hornet nearby. Talk to her, then backtrack and take a downward path to the left. There are two geo deposits in a small right path. Drop all the way down and take a dark path to the right to find a bench. A section of floor will collapse allowing you to reach the lower area where you came it. Exit left, then go to the Stag Station up and to the right. Call the Stag and have him take you to Dirtmouth.

With the three Dreamers destroyed, we can enter the Temple of the Black Egg in Forgotten Crossroads to complete the game, but we still have a lot of work to do towards 112% completion. Visit Sly and buy the Mask Shard (14/16) for 1500 geo, the Heavy Blow charm (31/40) for 350 geo, and the Sprintmaster charm (32/40) for 400 geo. Then drop down the well to take care of a few tasks in the Forgotten Crossroads:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (27)

Head left first to the Grubfather to collect the rest of your rewards, including the Grubberfly's Elegy charm (33/40). Then exit and head right to destination #2, the Temple of the Black Egg. Go inside and a brief scene will occur, after which you can enter the inner area. Do so and travel far to the right to eventually reach a bench and a nearby object that you can inspect. Do so to make your completion percentage visible in your inventory (and when selecting your save file). Hunter's Journal progress will now be shown as well. At this point, my completion was at 90% and my Hunter's Journal showed 133/147 encountered. Exit the temple and make your way to destination #3.

Break into the ceiling, super dash through a spiked path, and exit up. Make your way to the right and you will be sealed in a room and forced to kill a few waves of enemies. Do so, then exit right to find the Glowing Womb charm (34/40). Exit this area and make your way to destination #4, Salubra's Hut. Buy the Lifeblood Heart charm (35/40) for 250 geo and a charm notch for 1400 geo. You will then see Salubra's Blessing in her inventory but you must have all 40 charms in order to be able to buy it. Adjust your charms at the bench outside if you'd care to, then head to the Forgotten Crossroads Stag Station. Ring the bell and have the Stag take you to Queen's Station where we can make our way to two destinations:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (28)

Head to destination #1 and use the Dream Nail on the Whispering Root, then collect the 18 essence in the area. Make your way to destination #2 to find Elder Hu, the fifth of seven Dream Warriors. Agree to challenge him to begin the battle. Hu will float above you and summon a row of rings that slam down on the ground where you must get to a safe gap to avoid damage. He will also disappear and send a cascade of rings that close in from both sides so dash through to safety to avoid damage. After defeating him, talk to him and you will receive 100 essence. Head back to the Stag Station and have the Stag take you to King's Station where we can then progress to two destinations:

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Make your way to destination #1. Dash through a void barrier and exit right to reach Markoth, the sixth seven Dream Warriors. Agree to challenge him to begin the battle. Markoth is the only somewhat difficult Dream Warrior, more so when you face him in the Pantheon of Hallownest when there is no solid ground at the bottom. He will float around the arena circled by a Dreamshield and swords will appear and then propel towards you. After some time passes, Markoth will stop moving and his Dreamshield will spiral outward from him. Once he takes enough damage he will summon a second Dreamshield to circle him and the sword projectiles will increase in speed. After defeating him, talk to him and you will receive 250 essence, then make your way to destination #2, the tram station.

Enter the tram, then travel left to Ancient Basin where we have three destinations:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (30)

Sit at the bench in the tram and unequip all of your charms. Equip Lifeblood Heart, Joni's Blessing, Fragile Heart, and Wayward Compass. This will make it so you have 16 Lifeblood Masks for health. The door at destination #2 will only open if you have at least 15 Lifeblood Masks, so you can take damage once on your way there. First, make your way down to destination #1, then enter a room with a fountain that you can interact with to be asked to "drop all geo into the fountain?" Agree and you will spend 3000 geo to receive a Vessel Fragment (7/9). Then carefully make your way down to destination #2. If you lose more than one health on the way, you'll have to go back up to the bench to heal and try again. Reach the platform with at least 15 Lifeblood Masks and the door will open. Head inside and you will be tasked with making your way through an area full of spikes. Proceed slowly and use the right stick to scout ahead before dropping down blindly. At the end of this linear path is an open room where you can collect the Lifeblood Core charm (36/40), after which the screen will fade and you will be teleported back outside. Make your way up and then left towards destination #3. Use the toll machine to unlock the bench on the way and rest and adjust your charms. At this point, I'm using Fragile Heart and Strength, Mark of Pride, Grubsong, and Wayward Compass (mainly so my location is shown on screenshots for the guide, but you may find it helpful as the map can be confusing when your location isn't shown).

Continue left towards destination #3 which is the area where we fought the Broken Vessel earlier. You will see the Broken Vessel's corpse emitting what appears to be essence. This is one of six Dream Bosses, which are alternate (stronger) versions of bosses that are activated with the Dream Nail. These encounters take place in a dream world and dying to them causes no penalty- you are simply returned to the real world where you can try again. Hit the corpse with the Dream Nail to be teleported into a dream world where you must make your way across platforms and into the area where the battle with the Lost Kin will begin.

The Lost Kin is basically a faster version of the Broken Vessel. He uses the same attacks and continually spawns Infected Balloons, which you must quickly kill as to not get overwhelmed. He also tends to jump around more and his slam attack releases an increased amount of orange globs. After several hits he will stagger briefly, which is the only time you can safely heal (be sure to kill any Infected Balloons before attempting to heal).

Defeat the Lost Kin to unlock an achievement:

  • Peace

    Defeat the Lost Kin

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You will then be returned to the real world. Interact with the Lost Kin's ghost to receive 400 essence, then make your way back to the tram station. Enter the tram and travel left to Deepnest where we have five destinations:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (34)

Head left into an area with Garpedes and make your way to the left side of the area and exit down to get to destination #1. As soon as you drop into the screen below, go left through a wall to find a Garpede corpse that you can interact with to add an entry to the Hunter's Journal. Then go back and drop down to take a path to the right where you can dash through a void barrier. Make your way past several Goams and Garpedes and you will find the Sharp Shadow charm (37/40). Many people swear by this charm but I never liked it because it adds to your dash distance, which always screwed me up.

Break the wooden shortcut barrier to the left and climb out, then make your way through the Garpede maze and up to destination #2. The goal here is to get to the right side of the area by pogoing off of Garpedes and jumping/dashing over walls with spikes at the top. I find it best to get to the wall, then double jump over the height of the spikes and dash right to land on the Garpede. Three Dirtcarvers will spawn on the first platform which you can kill to get some soul. After the second stretch, which is twice as long, you'll see a Garpede moving vertically. Break the wall to the right to find a Soul Totem, then pogo off of the Garpede to make your way up to a pathway above. Once you get there, go left to find a Vessel Fragment (8/9). Continue left and you will eventually fall through a weak floor section to drop to the beginning of the area. Exit down and head towards destination #3.

When you arrive you will see Galien, the seventh of seven Dream Warriors. Agree to challenge him to begin the battle. Galien will float around and spin his scythe which will bounce around towards you. He will occasionally call it back, then send it out again. After sustaining enough damage he will summon one and then two smaller spinning scythes that you must also avoid. After defeating him, talk to him and you will receive 200 essence, then head towards destination #4.

To get to destination #4, first get one of the upper right paths in the large area. If you get to the uppermost path on the right, you can go all the way to the right past a Stalking Devout and drop down to an area where a grub was rescued. If you fall through the floor here, you can land on a small platform and then jump across to the right. This path leads to another Stalking Devout with what appears to be a dead end:

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Break the wall at the end of this path (you'll hear a secret notification but the wall will not physically break) and continue right to find the entrance to the Weavers' Den. Enter and you can drop down and head left past several beds of spikes to get a Rancid Egg. Get back to the path above and continue right to the end, climb up, then head left. Jump/dash (or super dash) across a long run of spikes to find the Weaversong charm (38/40). Exit the Weavers' Den and make your way to destination #5, an unexplored area up and to the left.

Once you reach this area, use the Soul Totem on the left and make your way upward. There's really nothing of importance here- we're just going this way for the sake of map completion and to get to the Quueen's Garden Stag Station. A path to the left near the top leads to the Mask Maker, a lore NPC who serves no other purpose. Jump to a hidden path in the upper left to proceed into Queen''s Gardens, then make your way up to the Stag Station. Rest at the bench, then ring the bell to summon the Stag. Have him take you to Resting Grounds and pay a quick visit to the Seer. She will give you several rewards for essence collected: the Dream Wielder charm (39/40), then a Vessel Fragment (9/9) which gives you a permanent soul meter upgrade and unlocks an achievement:

  • Worldsoul

    Acquire all Vessel Fragments

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Talk to her again and you will receive the Dreamgate, which allows you to create a fast travel anchor point:

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Continue talking to her and you will receive an Arcane Egg, a Mask Shard (15/16), and the Awoken Dream Nail which is needed to get access to the White Palace:

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This will unlock an achievement:

  • Awakening

    Collect 1800 Essence and awaken the Dream Nail

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Go back to the Stag Station and Hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (47) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (48) to create a fast travel anchor point. You can then return to this point from anywhere in the world. We do this at a Stag Station so you can then travel to any other Stag Station. Have the Stag take you to King's Station and head to the following Destination:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (49)

Stand directly under the large pump lever and use Desolate Dive to smash through the floor. Go right to find a King's Idol, then go left to find Dung Defender's corpse. This is another Dream boss encounter. Hit the corpse with the Dream Nail to be teleported into a dream world where you must make your way to the right into the area where the battle with the White Defender will begin.

White Defender is basically a more difficult version of Dung Defender. He uses the same attacks, albeit faster, and adds new attack: a ground punch that creates an outward wave of spikes that must be dashed through.

Defeat the White Defender to unlock an achievement:

  • Memory

    Defeat White Defender

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You will then be returned to the real world where you will receive 300 essence. Hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (53) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (54) to teleport to your Dreamgate, rest at the bench, and ring the bell. Have the Stag take you to City Storerooms and head to the following destination:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (55)

Once you arrive you will see Soul Master's corpse. This is another Dream boss encounter. Hit the corpse with the Dream Nail to be teleported into a dream world where you must make your way across platforms and into the area where the battle with the Soul Tyrant will begin.

Soul Tyrant is just a faster, more erratic version of Soul Master. The battle is essentially unchanged other than that fact that it's harder to get close to Soul Tyrant to deal damage to him because he teleports away so quickly. He also seems to do more diving attacks, many times with a fakeout to second dive. For the second phase, I just dash away from his slams until he appears motionless in the air, then smash him until he dies. Defeat the Soul Tyrant to unlock an achievement:

  • Mortality

    Defeat the Soul Tyrant

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You will then be returned to the real world. Interact with the Soul Tyrant's ghost to receive 300 essence, then hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (59) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (60) to teleport to your Dreamgate (go one screen to the left if it doesn't seem to work for you, either). Rest at the bench, then interact with the Seer a final time to unlock an achievement:

  • Ascension

    Collect 2400 Essence and hear the Seer's final words

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Our next task is a bit of a hassle. Head down to this unexplored part of Resting Grounds:

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Enter a hut in this area to find the Grey Mourner. She asks you to place a delicate flower on a grave in Queen's Gardens. The catch is that you cannot fast travel and you cannot take any damage at all or the flower will be destroyed (you can get another flower from her to try again if this happens). This means that you have to travel all the way to the other side of the map unharmed. The easiest way to do this is to make a round trip without the flower to kill every enemy in your path and to learn the layout of environmental hazards. As long as you don't rest at a bench, most enemies will not respawn. Exit the hut, rest at the nearby bench, then begin your round trip as laid out below, killing every enemy along the path. Remember- do not sit ant any benches.

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (66)

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Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (69)

I suggest practicing the final three jumps over thorns a few times. When you are comfortable, retrace your steps back to the Grey Mourner and talk to her, this time accepting the delicate flower. Follow the path back to the grave and interact with it to place the flower, completing the quest. Then make your way back to the Grey Mourner. Interact with her and she will disappear, after which an achievement will unlock:

  • Solace

    Bring peace to the Grey Mourner

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Collect the Mask Shard (16/16) that the Grey Mourner left behind, giving you another permanent health increase, and an achievement will unlock:

  • Masked

    Acquire all Mask Shards

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Hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (78) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (79) to teleport to your Dreamgate, then have the Stag take you to Forgotten Crossroads and head to this location:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (80)

You will notice a breakable wall section. Break it, then go left to find the False Knight's maggot corpse (along with two other maggots). This is another Dream Boss encounter. Use your Dream Nail on one of the maggots to fill your soul meter, then kill both for Hunter's Journal progress. Hit the corpse with the Dream Nail to be teleported into a dream world where you must make your way across platforms and into the area where the battle with the Failed Champion will begin.

Failed Champion is a faster, stronger version of the False Knight. He uses basically the same attacks but does two masks of damage with each attack. He will jump around a lot and you want to be able to dash in such a way that you can end up in position to attack him when he lands. You need to damage him until he gets knocked down, then deal damage to the maggot that pops out. After getting back up, he will always jump to the center and do a back and forth series of eight attacks, then resume his normal attacks. Note that you can't generate soul from attacking the knight, but you do gain soul from attacking the maggot. After knocking the knight down, you have a few seconds before he gets back up where can use the Dream Nail on the maggot to gain Soul and/or or heal, then attack the maggot before he gets back up. After three cycles, he will break through the ground and fall to the area below and you can deal the final damage to the maggot, defeating the boss and unlocking an achievement:

  • Strength

    Defeat the Failed Champion

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You will then be returned to the real world. Interact with the Failed Champion's ghost to receive 300 essence, then hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (84) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (85) to return to your Dreamgate. Ring the bell to summon the Stag, then have him take you to Dirtmouth. Take the lift and rest at the bench, then hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (86) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (87) to set your Dreamgate here. Go right to Bretta's hut (the last one before the well) and you can now access the basem*nt to find a statue of Grey Prince Zote. This is another Dream Boss encounter. Hit the statue with the Dream Nail to be teleported into a dream world where you can drop down to engage Grey Prince Zote.

Grey Prince Zote has several attacks: He will jump around the area, sending out shockwaves when he lands, he will jump through the floor and then fall from above, sending out shockwaves when he lands, he stop what he is doing and spit out Zotelings, and he will charge back and forth holding out his nail, eventually falling down and sending out shockwaves. After hitting him several times he will fall to the ground and flail for a few seconds, which will give you time to heal. He is otherwise fairly relentless so just like with other bosses, you want to avoid his attacks and counterattack when it is safe. Defeat Grey Prince Zote to unlock an achievement:

  • Dark Romance

    Defeat Grey Prince Zote

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You will then wake up back in the real world and receive 300 essence. Head to King's Station and then to these two destinations:

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The first destination is the open door on this ledge. Go inside, kill a few husks, then jump into the right wall to find a hidden path that leads to a room with a Gorgeous Husk. Kill it to add its entry to the Hunter's Journal, then collect the geo it drop. Exit and drop off to the ledge to the left and you'll see a door that requires a Simple Key to unlock. Do so, then enter and take the lift to the top. Exit left, then go right and you will meet Marissa. Feel free to sit and listen to her sing, but this entire area is completely optional as nothing counts towards completion or achievements. Go back and climb to the upper area with a Hot Spring and a bench. Break the wall on the right to open a path to the tall lift chamber and then head to destination #2, the Colosseum of Fools. Interact with the Little Fool and pay 800 geo to open the Trial of the Fool, then go down to the bench and adjust your charms. My suggested setup is Fragile Strength, Longnail, Dreamwielder, Grubsong, and Quick Focus, which halves the time it takes to heal with focus. Equip whatever charms you feel work best and head back up to the level above. Activate the Trial of the Fool and then head right into the arena to begin.

There's no two ways about it- this trial is a pain in the ass. The hardest part comes about 2/3 of the way through when you have to cling to the walls to avoid a spiked floor and deal with several waves of flying enemies, so be sure to have full health when this section starts. Always try to leave Shielded Fools alive so you can Dream Nail them to refill soul. Be ready near the start to climb onto the wall when the Belflies appear so you can avoid their explosions. For the God Tamer, the battle ends once the beast is killed, so focus solely on it. I find pogoing is the best option here. And be sure to quit to menu rather than dying so you don't have to repair Fragile charms. This may take you a few tries but stick with it and you'll get it done.

Once you complete the Trial of the Fool, an achievement will unlock:

  • Fool

    Complete the Trial of the Fool

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Drop down to the area below and rest at the bench to adjust charms, then go to the right and climb up to the area above. Break the wall to the right to open a path, then exit right. Drop down into water and continue right and you will see a character ahead. Follow him into an area above to be sealed in, then chase him down and kill him to add the Pale Lurker entry to the Hunter's Journal. Pick up the Simple Key that he drops, then hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (96) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (97) to return to your Dreamgate in Dirtmouth. Have the Stag take you to King's Station with two destinations planned:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (98)

First, visit Relic Seeker Lemm and sell your relics. We don' really need geo for anything important, but an NPC in Dirtmouth can make Fragile charms unbreakable but it's really expensive. When you're done with Lemm, head to Destination #2. Be sure to kill a Flukemunga in the area before to get a Hunter's Journal entry. Once you reach the unexplored area, drop down and head out to the left into a large open area called the Junk Pit. Open some geo chests and approach a chained up cocoon that you can unlock with a simple key. Do so and an NPC will appear and drop the Godtuner:

Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (99)

This item grants you access to the Godhome area. Feel free to use the Dream Nail on the nearby NPC and check out the Godhome, but we will be going there later to complete the Godhome Pantheons. Climb up to the left and make your way back to the right until you reach a platform with a cave entrance. Go in and climb up to find a small pocket of water on the right. Swim right into a hidden passage and break the obstruction at the end. Continue right and interact with the Fluke Hermit, then backtrack to continue upward and exit at the top. Break a wooden shortcut barrier to the right and you'll be back in the City of Tears near the Nailsmith's hut. You will use this shortcut to get back to the Junk Pit later, but for now, hold Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (100) + Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (101) to return to your Dreamgate in Dirtmouth.

8. Classic mode part 66. Classic mode part 4

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Guide for Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.