DanMachi Light Novel Volume 16/Synopsis (2024)




  • 1 Volume 16
    • 1.1 Prologue 1
    • 1.2 Prologue 2
    • 1.3 Chapter 1
    • 1.4 Monologue 1
    • 1.5 Chapter 2
    • 1.6 Monologue 2
    • 1.7 Chapter 3
    • 1.8 Monologue 3
    • 1.9 Chapter 4
    • 1.10 Monologue 4
    • 1.11 Chapter 5
    • 1.12 Monologue 5
    • 1.13 Intermission
    • 1.14 Chapter 6
    • 1.15 Epilogue

Volume 16[]

Prologue 1[]

On their way back to the Hostess of Fertility, Syr asked Ryuu if she had developed feelings for Bell. Caught off guard, Ryuu tried to deny it, but Syr could see the truth. Syr then confessed her own feelings for Bell, expressing her desire to invite him to the Goddess Festival. Although Ryuu felt reluctant about their potential pairing, she remembered how Syr had saved her and pledged her support.

Prologue 2[]

Syr thought about how she started liking Bell and how her feelings for him developed and became stronger over time. She thought to herself that she was fine with things the way that they were for sometime, but then noticed a change and how she started desiring more. She thought to herself that it was probably around the time that she started noticing that Ryuu started liking Bell. Syr thought to herself if she was really herself or if she could become herself. She wondered if she could free herself from the grasp of the goddess, and wondered if what she actually was feeling was love or not, wanting to prove it to herself.

Syr approached Freya in order to make a deal with her.

Chapter 1[]

One day, Bell was browsing through books left behind by Apollo Familia in his familia home, searching for any mention of Albert Waldstein. His curiosity was piqued after witnessing Ais offer flowers at Albert's grave during the Elegia Festival. Bell wondered if there was a connection between them, such as Ais being a descendant of Albert. Despite his efforts, he couldn't find any sources mentioning Albert's last name.

As Bell pondered about Albert, he heard someone at the door. Looking out the window, he saw Haruhime flustered with her hands full of laundry, unable to answer the door. Bell went downstairs and opened it, finding a girl with gray hair and black eyes he had never met before, staring coldly at him. She said his name, and Bell asked if they knew each other. She replied that everyone in Orario knew him from the War Game with Apollo and other recent events, suggesting he not waste time on pointless questions. She said afterwards “if only you hadn’t appeared in front of that person” before handing him a letter, telling him to read it, and left without another word.

Turning around, Bell saw Lili, Mikoto, and Haruhime, who asked if it could be a love letter. He was surprised to see them, as well as Hestia and Welf, secretly watching. When Lili inquired about his relationship with the girl, Bell said he had never met her before and asked if Lili knew her identity. Lili informed him that she was Horn, a member of the Freya Familia known as "the goddess's attendant." Bell asked if she had a last name, but Lili explained that at the Denatus meant to grant her an adventurer's name, Freya requested that the girl not receive one. The other gods complied, and Horn was never given a name. Despite lacking an official title, people began referring to her as "Nameless" due to the story of Freya's request.

Bell was puzzled as to why Horn would give him a letter, but he decided to stop worrying and opened it. The entire Hestia Familia gathered around Bell and was surprised to find a love letter from Syr, inviting him to be her date for the Goddess Festival. Everyone wondered why Bell would receive a love letter from Syr, delivered by a member of Freya Familia. Hestia asked if Syr was the girl who always made Bell lunches, but admitted she had never met her. She had tried to visit Syr at the Hostess of Fertility but never found her there, speculating that Syr might be afraid of her and hiding. Lili inquired why Syr would fear Hestia.

Unfamiliar with the Goddess Festival, Bell asked for an explanation. Welf informed him that it was one of the two major festivals in Orario, alongside the Elegia Festival. With nothing else to do, they decided Bell would ask Syr about the letter the next morning.

Meanwhile, at the Hostess of Fertility, Syr's fellow waitresses were astonished to learn she had invited Bell to the Goddess Festival. Ryuu questioned when she had done this, and Syr revealed that she had asked a friend to deliver the letter. Anya and Lunoire inquired why she didn't ask him herself, and Syr explained that she often teased Bell and worried that if she asked in person, he might think she was joking, and her feelings wouldn't be conveyed. Syr requested that they keep Bell away from the restaurant if they saw him, as she didn't want to see him until the date. They agreed.

That night, Ottar called for an emergency meeting of Freya Familia's elite, Allen, Hedin, Hogni and the Gulliver Brothers, at their familia’s home Folkvangr. Ottar started the meeting and told them that the reason he called them there was because Syr was going on a date with Bell during the Goddess Festival. Ottar told them that he received a message from Horn, saying she wanted a chance for them to be alone together. The Gulliver Brothers all started asking Ottar in turn, what was going on and asked what they should do aboutguard duty during the festival. Ottar told them that they would split the guards in two, one forFreya and one forSyr. Hogni suggested that they just kill Bell instead. Alfrigg replied telling him that he was an idiot, stating that if they killed Bell, Freya would just follow him to heaven; henceforth, they all agreed not toharm Bell. Allen, having gotten sick of being at the meeting, stood up and started to leave. Ottar tried to stop him and told him that they haven’t finished yet, Allen responded telling them that he would guard the girl and told the rest of them to decide what they will do on their own before leaving, ignoring Ottar’s orders to stay for the rest of the meeting.

Monologue 1[]

Syr came before Freya and told her that she had started developing feelings for Bell as well, and asked her if she would allow her to be Bell’s date for one day of the Goddess Festival. Syr thought to herself abouthow she was planning to betray Freya, but felt as if she must in order to fulfill her own desire. Freya agreed with her request, but told her if Bell happens to see through her lie, thenshe will never approach him again. Syr agreed and Freya wished her luck as she left.

Chapter 2[]

The next morning Bell was on his way see Syr when he was dragged into an alley by Hedin. Bell recognised him and asked what he wanted with him, and if Syr somehow had a connection with Freya Familia, to which Hedin responded by asking him why he asked him that. Hedin continued and asked Bell if by knowing if Syr did have a connection with Freya Familia, would itchange the way he thought about her, to which Bellsaid it wouldn’t. Hedin seemed pleased with Bell’s answer.

Hedin made Bell follow him to the same cafe that Lili had been towith Finn,and they continued their conversation there. During their conversation Hedin brought up Bell’s upcoming date with Syr. Bell told Hedin that he still hasn’t accepted the invitation, towhich Hedin responded by threatening to destroy the Hestia Familia if he refused to accept. Bell tried to inform Hedin that he already has someone else he admired. Hedin cuthim off, then told Bell that Syr'sdesires were the same as the will of the gods and that he didnot have the right to refuse. Bell was coerced into doing as Hedin said in order to protect his familia.

Their conversation continued and Hedin told Bell that he does not have enough appeal to deserve to go on his date with Syr, and told him for the next five days he will be training him for his date.

Some time after Bell started his training with Hedin, with Hestia and Lili wondering what had happened to him since they hadn’t seen him in days. Haruhime asked Aisha to look for Bell as well, but she wasn’table to find him yet. Mikoto ran into the room and told them that they just got a letter from Bell.Bell had wrote hurriedlyin order to tell the familiahe was going on thedate with Syr. At the bottom of the letter though they notice that he wrote save me.They started to get nervous about what was going on and decided to get Takemikazuchi and Miach Familias to help in searching for Bell.

Hedin spent two days training Bell on how he should act when he meets Syr,before telling him that they are going to continue their training in the dungeon. They went to the middle level floors whereHedin instructedBell, tellinghim to save girls while acting charming as he didso. Afterwards, Hedin startedleading pass parades on to parties of low levelfemale adventurers forcing Bell to save them.

On the last day of their training, Bell and Hedin went to the 18th floor of the dungeon. In Rivira’s market, there was a big event selling a dessert called Hyper Dungeon Sandwich: Tapioca Deluxe, which was acrepe filled with cream, fruit and tapioca beans. The booth selling them had a large group of people lined up for it and the dessert was a special that only couples could buy, though couples of any gender could purchase it.

Bell noticed Daphne and Cassandra and decidedto talk to them. They were surprised to see him and asked him what he has been doing.They told him that Lili and everyone hadbeen really worried about him. Bell triedto change the subject by tellingthem he had picked up a quest. Afterwards, he asked them what they were doing there. Daphne explainedthat Cassandra wrapped her intogetting that dessert with her. Bell asked Cassandra if she would like to get one with him and told herthat he was actually thinking of getting one himself. Cassandra got nervous at first, but then became excited and accepted Bell’s invitation. Bell watched her as she ate her crepe quickly, looking like she enjoyed it a lot. He offered to let her have his, which he had only had a little of and she thanked him and accepted it. While she was eating his crepe, she started to get creme stuck on her cheek and Bell reached out and affectionately wiped it off. Cassandra’s face turned red, and she ended up passing out, leading Bell to call Daphne for help.

At the Hostess, Ryuu had been washing dishes that night after the end of her shift, when Mia came up to her and asked her how long she was planning on doing that. Ryuu was lost in thought about Bell and Syr’s date the next day, and had been washing the same plates and drying them from left to right, then right to left for hours and hadn't notice. Mia told her that she didn’t know what she was thinking about, but said she wouldn’t get any work done tomorrow during the festival in this state and brought up how Syr took the day off suggesting that she found Syr to be a pain. Ryuu asked her if she was not going to stop her. Mia glanced at her and asked her if she wanted her to. Ryuu responded and said no and started to say that she didn’t want to get in Syr’s way, but hesitated to finish her sentence. Mia returned the conversation back to Syr, saying that Syrwasn’t the real pain, but it was her crowd. She continued and told Ryuu that if they got in the way of her restaurant she would fight them, but it wasn’t worth it. Ryuu became confused and wondered what Mia was talking about, but Mia dropped the subject.

That night, Ottar asked Freya if she was ok with accepting Syr’s request. Upon considering Syr’s request to be Bell’s date for one night of the Goddess Festival, Freya wonderedif her connection with Syrhad caused her emotions to rub off on Syr. Freya asked Ottar afterwards how Allen and everyone else responded. Ottar told her the same as they always did and Allensaid that he would guard Syr. Freya asked him if it was pointless to tell them that there was no need for a guard. Ottar answeredthat it was, and that they wouldn’t listen. Freya said fine and told Ottar to make the guards second class ranked members or higher and to leave all the preparations to Hedin.

Ottar asked her before leaving, what it was that she desired. Freya told him that her desire hadn’t changed and asked him whose side he was on. Freya asked Ottar ifhe had helped her.Ottar responded and said that everything he does is for her. Freya replied that when he saidit that way, it just soundedlikehe washelping her for Freya's sake.

Monologue 2[]

Syr approached Ottar asking him for his aide with her date with Bell. She wanted to meet Bell without any of Freya’s familia watching her. When she approached Ottar, she asked him to help her just once. She thought to herself that like her, Ottar has well realized Freya’s true desire. However Ottar worried over which option was best for Freya. Syr thought to herself that there was a possibility that she may be able to change Freya's future and hoped to get Ottar on her side as well. She thought to herself that the other members of Freya’s familia wouldn’t help her, and would try to stop her, so she didn’t go to them. After Ottar thought for some time, he agreed to help her.

Syr apologized to him in her mind afterwards, but thought to herself that her crime was needed to fulfill her desire.

Chapter 3[]

Taking Hedin’s advice Bell showed up at the Goddess Festival for his date with Syr five hours early. The Goddess Festival was a festival that lasted for three days every year. Its purpose isto honor the goddesses of harvest,there had beenfive of them in Orario.Ishtar had been one of them so now there is only four: Freya, Demeter, Hathor and Damia. They were supposed to be present during the festival every year.

Before enjoying the festival, visitors had to buy a badgefrom the Guild for one thousand valis. The streets were lined up with the current year's fall harvest crops. As long as they had a badgeanyone could take any food they wanted for free. There wereeven shops mixed in with food stalls that would bake people bread out of the wheat they took and cooked other types of food for them as long as they had all the ingredients they need.

Demeter gave a speech to start the festival. The goddesses stood watch as the citizens enjoyed the festival andgave them their thanksfor the harvest.

Around the same time Bell and Syr started their date. Hestia and all of her Familia members were working at the Hostess of Fertility. Anya and Chloe had roped them into working with them since Syr was going to the festival so that they could drop their work and spy on Bell and Syr when Mia wouldn't notice. They coerced them into working by reminding them of how they went into the Dungeon for them, which made Hestia and her Familia members unable to refuse. Ryuu felt guilty and apologized, but Mikoto told her not to worry and told her it was the least that they could do after how many times she had saved them. The girls of Hestia Familia were quite popular with the customers and worked in the Hostess of Fertility maid outfits, while Welf wore a waiter's outfit. As the restaurant started getting busy and Hestia Familia started drawing more attention from the customers, Anya and Chloe approached Ryuu and Lunoire to convincethem to sneak out with them so they could spy on Bell and Syr’s date.

Bell and Syr walked around the festival trying different foods from the food stalls and enjoying the festival. Hedin had told Bell during his training that Bell should be honest and say everything he was thinking so when they first met Bell acted honestly and told Syr that she looked really cute and used other pieces of advicethat he had received from Hedin as well. At one point duringthe date, someone tried to steal something from Syr’s handbag without her noticing, but Bell noticed and stopped him. Seeing this Anya, Chloe and Lunoire who were watching them from nearby started talking to each other about how cool Bell was acting and remarking how different he was from his usual nervous self while Ryuu remained silent and watched.

Bell asked Syr if there was anywhere specific she had in mind that she wanted to go to. Syr said that there was nowhere in particular, so Bell told her that there was somewhere that he wanted to go if she didn’t mind. Syr agreed to go with Bell, so hehailed a horse trolleyand they got on. They rode the trolley down to Daedalus Street, where they were greeted by Fina, Rye and Roux who had come to greet them. Maria came out to greet them as well and Rye explained how they got Maria to help them set up a booth selling ale, because a dwarf that they knew told them that it would for sure sell during the festival.

Some of the residents of Daedalus Street got out instruments and started playing music. The children invited Bell and Syr to dance with them and they all danced for a long time. As more and more people who lived in Daedalus Street noticed,they came to join the dancing as well. Fina came up to Bell looking happy and asked Bell where he planned on staying with Syr tonight. Bell got flustered and asked her what she was saying. Fina said that just a little bit ago Syr picked her up, and she looked down her shirt and saw that she was wearing really cute underwear. She told Bell that they were definitely her lucky panties and that Maria told her that a lot of babies are made during the harvest festival. Maria heard her say this and got mad at Fina and apologized to Bell.

Ossian accidentally tripped and fellwhile dancing, hurting his leg. He started crying and Syr comforted him by picking him up and singing to him as she mended his wounds. Bell thought the lyrics of the song were interesting and asked her what it was, and she told him that she just now made it up.

Bell offered to buy Syr new clothes since Syr’s white clothes had several stains of blood, dirt and tears from Ossian. After Bell bought her the new clothes, Bell told Syr that she looked beautiful after she changed into her new clothes. Shortly after, Bell noticed that she looked at a type of candied grape that one of the festival stalls was giving away and Bell took one and went to give it to her. Syr got confused and told him that something was off. Syr told him that he had been holding her hand every time she thought she wanted to, doing everything else she wanted to do with him before, and did everything else she had been wanting to do all day as soon she thought it. She told him that it made her happy, but that it was odd and that she was planning to go into their date constantly teasing him as she always did, but he hadn’t given her a chance and it wasn't normal. Bell got nervous because he knew Hedin was definitely watching him and tried to play it off and managed to get Syr to drop the subject.

Monologue 3[]

Syr thought about how odd Bell was acting. She thought about how quickly Bell was to get embarrassed around women, and how cool she thought Bell was acting all day and it seemed odd to her. When she was thinking about how Bell could have ended up acting that way, she wondered if Hedin had anything to do with it, but then shortly after she put the thought out of her mind and tried to seem calm.

Chapter 4[]

Bell and Syr returned to Central Park where Demeter gave her speech.Bell looked at Freya who was still there and noticed she was staring at him and Syr. HerememberedFreyafrom the gaze that he always felt watching him and from the time she told him "I love you",from far away after he saved Haruhime. Bell felt theway that Freya lookedat them was different than it usually was, as if she was angry or something. Syr noticedBell and Freya staring at each other and told him not to look at other women during their date.

Back at the Hostess of Fertility, Hestia started complaining about how much of a slave driver Mia was saying that she madeher work even harder than her jagamaru-kun joband her workfor Hephaestus. Lily told Hestia to leave when Mia wasn’t looking and to go look for Bell. She continued and toldher that shewanted to know what he was up to and that Hestiahad been breaking so many plates all day thatshe was just creating more work for the rest them anyway. Hestia followed hersuggestionand left when Mia wasn’t nearby.

Hermes and Asfi were walking around the festival. Hermes told Asfi that with everything that was going on lately it was nice to finally have a break. He apologized to her for putting her to work so much recently and told her that she was free to do whatever she wanted that day.He also offered her the choiceto be his date to the festival, which she refused. As they walked around the festival, Hermes noticed Bell and Syr together and could tell they were on a date by the way they were dressed. Hermes wondered if it was really okfor them to be together and looked over into the direction of central park that Freya was at.

Ais was walking around the festivalwith a bag of jagamaru-kun. She heard that that one of the booths at the festival was giving away a limited edition pumpkin filled jagamaru-kun and left to get some. While she was walking around the festival, she noticed Bell and Syr together. She was surprised by the nice clothes they were both wearing and seeing them together. Bell noticed her as well and said her name. Seeing this, Syr hugged Bell's arm and said hello to Ais. Syr apologized to her, but told her that they were in a middle of a date right now and were too busy to talk to her before dragging Bell into the crowd of other festival visitors despite his complaints.

Ais felt confused by what she just saw when Hestia ran by moments later, but she stopped when she noticed Ais and asked her if she had seen Bell. Ais told Hestia that she just saw him together with Syr. Hestia was surprised, she then asked Ais to help her follow Bell,to whichshe agreed to.

Bell told Syr to wait once they reached an alley far away from where they met Ais and got mad at her asking why she was acting like that towards Ais. Syr told him that he was her date right now and told him that he shouldn’t be talking to other women in front of her. She then asked Bell if he would rather be on a date with Ais instead of her. Bell could feel several sets ofeyes watching him, and knew he couldn’t agree with what she just said, but couldn’t help himself completely and ended up telling Syr that talking like that to Ais was still rude. Bellfelthelpless becauseof the situation he was in. He had to go along with what Syr desired in order to protect his familia.He accidentally let it slip how it wasn’t fair, and his Masternever taught him what he was supposed to do in a situation like this.

Syr heard this andasked him what he meant by Master.Syr then got a look on her face of realization and asked him if he picked the clothes he was wearing himself. She continued telling Bell that she knew someone with taste in clothes similar to that of what Bell was wearing and saidhis name was Hedin. Bell became nervous and didn’t think he would be able to deny it, so he confessed everything. Syr said that she thought it was weirdand accused Bell, saying that he was just doing everything he did today because Hedin made him. Bell denied it and said it was true that Hedin put him up to it, but that he wanted to make her happy and thank her for everything she has done for him since they met, like making him lunches every time he went to the dungeon.

Syr could tell that Bell was being sincere, so she told him that she would forgive him if he did her a favor. Bell asked her what it was, and she told him she wantedhim to abduct her.She continued and told Bell that she is being watched by Freya Familia and askedhim to take her somewhere where they couldn't find her.Bell thought about his familia andhow powerful Freya’s Familia was, and hesitated to accept Syr’s request at first. He was worried that his actions might lead into a similar result to that of the War Game with Apollo, but in the end, his desire to save Syr made it impossible for him to deny her request, so he accepted.

Vanir, a member of Freya’s Familia saw Bell and Syr’s entire discussionand ordered his subordinates to follow Bell and Syr from above. Healso ordered one of them to inform Hedin. As Vanir watched them from the rooftops above, he saw Bell enter a shop while Syr waited outside for him. A few minutes passed and Bell came out carrying a chest. Vanir didn’t know what it was, but considered that it might be something that Bell might use on his date, so he didn’t take any actions against Bell. As they continued following them, they saw Bell and Syr enter a shop located onNorth-East Main Street. Vanir ordered his subordinates to spread out and surround thebuilding and watch. After about 5 minutes passed with nothing happening, Vanir ordered a few of them to enter the shop. About a minute later the Freya Familia members who entered the shop came out and told the rest of them that they were gone.

The first shop that Bell originally entered alonewas Lenoa’s shop. He had bought Reverse Veils and odor-resistant potions, then Bell and Syr escaped using them.

Nearby, the waitresses from Hostess of Fertility,as well as Ais and Hestia were surprised that they could not find Bell anywhere.

Hedin who had arrived at the scene was the only one who saw them flee in the Northwest direction. After seeing this, he commanded Vanir and the rest of the Freya Familia members present to break-up and find them, but as he said it he pointed in the opposite direction of where Bell and Syr were headed.

After escaping Bell noticed that they were nearby one of the locations he had been planning to take Syr to during their date, so he decided to lead her there. They arrived at a large cathedral that was built before the gods had descended to the lower world. The cathedral’s name was Saint Fulland’s Cathedral. Bell had wanted to take Syr there because the caretakers of the cathedral usually never let anyone enter, but they were letting people enter as a special occasion for the Goddess Festival.

As they entered, they saw that the ceiling of the cathedral had a large painting of a swordsmanholding the dead body of a spirit and a saint who stood behind them. Inside the cathedral was a coffin made out of crystal that was said to contain the remains of the spirit in the illustration. Bell told Syr that there were many tales about the spirit’s remains. According to some variations of the tales, the spirit body remained beautiful inside of her coffin as if she was sleeping. According to another tale, her body turned into crystal and then crumbledinto countless fragments. There was even a tale that her body had been weaponized into a sword, known as the Spirit’s Sword.

Bell continued and told Syr that the Swordsman’s name was Fulland and that he was a hero whose story was recorded in the Dungeon Oratorio, in a tale called Fulland of Water and Light.His story dated back thousands of years before the gods descended to the lower world. In the tale Fulland, the spirit, and the saint went on many adventures together slaying monsters. The spirit,long hadfeelings for Fulland, but throughout the course of their adventures the saint who they partied with started developing feelings for Fulland as well.

In response to Fulland and the saint starting a relationship, Bell explained to Syr that the spirit, who was a water spirit known as an Udine,attempted to kill Fulland in her jealousy. She cried endlessly and tried to kill him with her tears. She cried so much that her tears had changed the planet'slandscape, creating Logog Lake,which ofshores Melen waslocated on and of which watersran throughout the sewers in Orario.

Bell explained to Syr that despite the fact that the spirit had tried to kill Fulland, she eventually changed her mind and ended up saving him from a monster that was about to kill him, but died by its fangs in the process.

Bell told Syr that the reason he brought her there was because even the heroes in the stories he loved had their own failings,and sometimes failed to protect people that theycared about, so when he thinks of their tales it makes him desire to fight to make sure he doesn’t face the same fate that they did.

Syr asked him why the cathedral was named after the Fulland and not the spirit, Bell telling her that the spirit’s name was never recorded in any of her tales. He theorized after that the spirit may have worried that everything would be ruined if her name became known.

Hearing this, Syr asked Bell that if she started acting weird what would he do? Bell got confused not knowing what she was saying, so she continued and asked him what would he do if she became sad like the spirit, got angry and tried to hurt someone, what would he do? Bell responded and told her that he would stop her and that if she tried to hurt anyone, he believed that by doingso,she would be hurting herself as well, so he would protect her from harming anyone and from harming herself as well.

Bell then remembered that he had plans and asked her to come with him. They left the cathedral and outside of it was a man selling jewelry. The man called out to them and asked them if they would like to get a souvenir from the cathedral. Syr had her eye on an accessory that could be used as either a clothespin or hair-pin. Seeing this the man told them that it was a pair accessory and split it into two. He showed them how each piece had an illustration in its carving, one of the spirit and one of Fulland.

Seeing how Syr was looking at the pendant, Bell purchased it and gave it to her. She thanked him and then gave him the swordsman while she kept the spirit for herself, happily thanking him for it several times, before putting it in her hair, while Bell put it on his shirt.

Bell brought Syr to a fifty meter tall ship named theSpoon’s Aqua.It was docked at a canal, located in the South-West region in Orario. Bell toldher that there was a restaurant on top of the ship, and thathe had reserved seats for them. The ship shortly left dock after they boarded and had taken their seats at the restaurant.

While Bell and Syr looked at the menu trying to decide what they would eat, Hestia and Ais watched them from a table far away, but in view of their table.After they had lost sight of Bell and Syr a while earlier, theysearched for themfor a short time. Unable to find them, Hestia and Ais went to Hestia’s familia home to see if they could find any hints to where Bell may have went.One night after Bell went missing Hestia thought that she heard him return in the middle of the night, but by the time she had looked to confirm if he was there or not, he was already gone again.

Hestia searched Bell’s room and saw a listingfor Spoon’s Aquathat Bell had circled. The restaurant had a dress code, so shechanged into the dress that she wore toApollo’s God’s Banquet. Ais didn’t have one with her,so she returned to her familia home and changed into the dress that she wore to the banquet as well.Afterwards, they went to the restauranttogether. Seeing Ais, the guard who was checking in everyone’s reservations allowed Hestia and Ais into the restaurant,thinking that word of a first-rank adventurer visiting their restaurant would bringmore fame to therestaurant.

The Hostess of Fertility waitresses had happened to see Hestia and Ais on their way to the restaurant by chance, while searching for Bell and Syr and decided to follow them in secret, because they thoughtthat Hestia would lead them to Bell. When they got to the restaurant the guard did not let them in, so they snuck onboard and disguised themselves as waiters. Anya and Chloe complained about how they finally managed to leave their work and were now working as waiters on the ship and couldn’t even see Bell and Syr.They were serving food in the indoor dining areaof the ship, that was separated by a wall from the foredeckof the ship that Bell and Syr were eating at. Ryu meanwhile,was working in ahallway that was locatedbetween theforedeck and the indoor dining area.

While they ate, Bellasked Syr to tell him what she was. He was thinking ofhow Hedin talkedabout her, and of howAllen had protected her from the barbarian. Hewonderedwhy her existence was so importantto a familia as strong as Freya’s familia.Syr asked Bell if she told him her secret would it change the way he thought about her. Bell hesitated, but then he told her that no matter what secret she had,it wouldn’t changethe Syr that he knew up until today to him. Just before Syr was about to answer Bell’s question there was a large impact with the ship and Bell saw that amember of Freya’s Familia's magichad created a large bridge of ice connecting the shore to the foredeck of the ship.

Vanir commanded his subordinates togo after Bell, and they all ran across the ice quickly boarding the ship. Hearing this, Ais went out to face them and asked them what they wanted with Bell. Vanir was surprised to see her there and askedher if she intended to get in Freya familia’s way. Ais hesitated, but then told Van that if he wanted to pick on Bell, that she would stop them.

Bell was surprised to see Ais. Syr immediately stood up after Aisstarted fighting Freya’s familia and yelled to Ryuu and the other waitresses to save her. They were surprised to hear thatSyrknew that they were there. Despite their surprise they listened to Syr and started fightingFreya’s familia as well. Syr took off running and Bell followed her, not understanding what was suddenly going on. Syr called out to Bell before jumping off the edge of the ship, leaving Bell with no choice but to jump off as well in order to grab her body and cushion her fall from the fifty meter drop into the water below.

Monologue 4[]

Bell swamSyr to the shore on the opposite side of the ice bridge created by Freya’s familia.

Chapter 5[]

After Bell and Syr were back on land, they fled to the west district of Orario. Thanks to Ais and the Hostess of Fertility waitresses' help, they were able to escape. While looking for a place to hide, they had to cross a large bridge. The bridge was called the Heroes Bridge and upon it stood thirty-one monumental statues of the world’s past heroes. Thirty of the statues were lined up on the sides of the bridge and one stood in the center. The bridge was created before the gods descended to the lower world. Itwas created by those the heroes had protected, in honor of them.

Once Bell and Syr got to the center of the bridge, Bell looked at the statue standing there. It was a statue of Albert Waldstein. As Bell saw his statue he once again wondered what connection he had with Ais. Bell recalled the memories he had about Albert’s battle against the One-Eyed Black Dragon. According to Bell’s memories of what he had heard about the battle,Albert fought the dragon alone after it had escaped from the dungeon. After Albert had injured the dragon, it fled to the North, and whether if it was out of respect for Albert's accomplishment or because it sensed the danger of its own demise, no one knew. After the battle, the gods descended unto the lower world and Albert became known as the last hero the world had before their arrival.

Seeing how Bell was looking at the statue, Syr asked Bell if there was something he was curious about Albert. Bell answered and said that there was something he has been trying to find out about him lately. Syr asked Bell if he knew why Albert’s statue wasn’t facing forward despite being in the middle of the bridge. The statue was positioned as if it should be facing another statue that wasn’t there. Syr told Bell that the world was hoping for a hero. A hero that would become the world’s last hero, protect Orario from the dragon as Albert did, and defeat the dragon.

Syr asked Bell after this, if he thinks heroes exist. Bell remained silent.Syr continued and told him that she has always wanted to meet an irreplaceable hero only for her. They remained silent for a minute,and just before Bell was about to say something, there was a cold night breeze which made Syr shiver in her wet clothes. They decided they needed to keep going and try and find somewhere they could hide and dry off. Bell was confused about what they should do, but Syr said she had a plan and told Bell to follow her.

Syr led Bell to a nearby inn.He screamed in surprise when they entered their room and he noticed it was just a small room with one bed. The inn’s staff had lent themfresh setsof clothes to change into, so Syr decided to take a shower. Bell waited nervously with memories of what Fina said to him earlier, as well asvisions of what he imagined Hedin and his grandfather would tell him if they were there right now played through his head.

Syr got out of the bath and called out to Bell to ask him for the clothes that she forgot. Bell handed them to her trying not to look at her. After she changed, she opened the door to let him inso he could take a bath. Bell grabbed his clothes and ran in the room with his head facing the ground not looking at Syr.

After Bell had finished his bath, he went back into their room and saw Syr laying on the bed wearing nothing, but a button up T-shirt. He got surprised and asked Syr why she wasn’t wearing any pants. Syr answered and told him that the pants were too bulky, and they kept falling off, so she just decided to go without them. Hearing this, Bell looked down and noticed he was wearing the women’s pants. He realizedthat he must have given Syr the men’s pair by mistake. He hesitated in taking them off because Syr was right there.

Bell told Syr to sleep in the bed, and he would sleep on the floor. Syr refused and told Bell to sleep in the bed with her. Bell tried to argue with her, but Syr told him that she would die of guilt if she made him sleep on the floor. Bell hesitated, not knowing what to do, so Syr sat down on the bed and asked him to sit down next to her. Bell sat down and after he did Syr asked him if he wasn’t going to do anything for her. Bell’s heart starting beating fast and told her he didn’t know what she was talking about.

Bell then asked Syr why she invited him to their date. She told him it was because she wanted to tell him that she likes him, and she wanted to prove to herself how much she did. Saying this, Syr pushed Bell down on to the bed. She said she wanted to prove if what she felt was love or not, moving down closer to him.

Ais appeared in Bell’s mind. Seeing this,Bell said no as he pushed Syr off of him. Syr sat down on the bed, looking down with her hair covering her eyes and told him not to refuse her. She looked up at him and her gray eyes glimmered in a silver light as she told him to accept it. Bell called out Syr's name and upon hearing it her entire body trembled. She backed away from him and her eyes went back to normal. She hugged her arms and said no,this isn’t Syr. Bell said her name in question, and she told him not to look at her.

After some time passed, she called out to him and promised him she wouldn’t make him do anything he didn’t want and asked him to lay down. Bell laid down on the bed and they laid there with their backs facing each other for some time. Syr turned around and hugged Bell from behind, causing him to say that he thought she said she wouldn’t do anything. Syr said its cold. Bell tried to complain, but Syr said he won’t even hold her like he did Ryuu.

Bell got surprised and asked Syr if Ryuu told her that. Syr told him that she didn’t, but he did just now. Syr accused Bell afterwards saying that Ryuuis a close friend of her's,and he did naughty things with her. Bell denied it desperately and told her that they held each other, but they didn’t do anything more than that. Syr asked him if he would do it with her then, but Bell refused her. She asked why. He responded by saying Syr is Syr, so he can’t do it. Hearing this she called him an idiot.

Bell asked her why she was asking him to do this and Syr told him bitterly, that it was becauseshe couldn’t stand the thought of him doing it with Ryuu or someone else, before telling him that he wouldn’t understand. Bell said after that he doesn’t understand himself. Syr got confused and ask him what he meant. He told her that he doesn’t know, himself, why he is so desperate and why he is alwaysconstantly trying so hard. Bell seemed asif he was thinking more, but he stopped talking and after some time passed he fell asleep.

Syr got up in the middle of the night careful not to wake up Bell. She looked at Bell while he was sleeping and told him quietly "If we meet tomorrow,at that time…" Without finishing her sentence Syr changed back into the clothes she wore the previous day and left.

Monologue 5[]

Syr thought about how innocent Bell was, and of how he was chasing solely after his aspiration striving to fight. Lastly she thought of the way he even made Freya think about him.


Syr was freezing and lonely one snowy day in a slumsomewhere. She did not understand why she was so dirty andempty.Just when she was thinking of dying, Freya appeared before her and asked her if she was ok. Freya then told Syr that she was just about to save her, but she wondered what it was that she desired. After looking at Freya, Syr told her that she wantedto become her. Freya thought it was strange, as nobody had said that to her before.Then Freya smiled and said,in exchange for something, she would give Syr something.

Syr thought of how after that day, she was reborn as a goddess.

Chapter 6[]

Bell woke up the next morning to notice Syr was gone. He searched around their room and couldn’t find her but henoticed that she left her spirit pendant on the cabinet by the door. Worried about what might have happened to her and her being alone after everything that happened the previous day, he decided to go looking for her. He went to the Hostess of Fertility thinking she could possibly be there. When he got there, he noticed Welf in his waiter outfit before he noticed anyone else. After they both explained to each other the events of the last few days, Bell asked Welf if any of them had seen Syr.

Hestia and the other waitresses had returned to the restaurant that morning. Welf could tell that Bell was anxious, and after imagining what Hestia and Lili’s reaction would be if they saw him, Welf led Bell outside to talk, so as not to create a commotion.

After hearing Bell’s whole story before telling Bell whether or not he had seen Syr, Welf asked him what he planned to do when he saw her. Bell was confused about what Welf meant. Welf told him that Syr really likes him not as a friend, but as a man. Welf told him after that he isn’t expecting him to do anything personally, but told him that if Syr truly tells him her feelings, for him not to run away from it and give her an honest answer because it would only hurt her for him to not face it properly.

Bell felt very grateful for what Welf had taught him and thanked him. Afterwards, Welf told him that he didn’t know where Syr was, but she definitely had a connection with Freya’s Familia. Stating that at this point there was nothing left, but for Bell to confront Freya’s Familia personally if he wanted to find her. Knowing that Bell wanted to save Syr, Welf told him to save her and not to worry about their familia.

Bell left the restaurant and ranaround hoping that he might find Hedin or another member of Freya’s Familia. The previous day he almost constantly felt several sets of eyes watching him, but ever since he left the inn, he hadn’t felt any. Bell thought that if he could sense someone watching him that he could follow the direction of their glare in order to find them and ask them where Syr was. After some time had passed, Bell noticed a sensation of one person watching him. He looked around, but could not see them, so he jumped on top of a nearby rooftop thinking that they couldn’t hide from him there.

When Bell got to the top of a rooftop, he noticed Hogni staring at him from afar on another rooftop. When Bell saw Hogni, Hognicalled out to him and asked him what he was planning to do; however, he said it in a very chuunibyoish way, and Bell had trouble understanding what he was saying. Bell had heard the gods talk about chunnibyos before, although he never met one before, but Bell thought that the gods' description of them fitted Hogni perfectly.

Bell told him afterwards that he didn’t fully understand what he was saying and asked him if he was a chunnibyo. Hearing Bell say this, Hogni denied it strongly and told Bell to stop calling him that. Bell asked him afterwards if he knew where Syr was. Hogni told Bell that him and a few others from his Familia werein the process of following her now. Bell had trouble understanding what Hogni was saying completely, but his grandfather sometimes talked like thatas well, so he more or less understood what he was trying to say. Hogni told him afterwards that he was waitingto see how Bell responds when he is faced with the choice between the goddess and the girl, but Bell had no idea what he was talking about. Bell started to draw closer to Hogni and asked him if anything happened to Syr. Hogni backed up when Bell started to draw closer to him and told him not to chase him. Bell continued to get closer, when Hogni told him to stop again and told him the way he was looking at him from so close scared him, before he ran away.

With the two level gap between them, Bell ended up losing sight of him so he continued his search and went to Central Park. When he arrived there, he saw Freya as well as Ottar standing behind her in the same place he had seen them the previous day. Bell noticed that Ottar was looking right at him, and then he noticed Ottar point to an alley Northeast of their current position.

Bell went in to the alley where he saw Ottar point to, and when he got there he saw Syr there. Syr got excited when she saw Bell and told him that she was happy that Bell found her and that they were able to meet again. Bell asked her what was going on, but she didn’t answer him and told him to follow her, telling him there was somewhere that she wanted to go with him.

Ryuu thought about what could have happened to Bell and Syr, and thought about how neither of them returned all night. Ryuu as well as Anya, Chloe, and Lunoire were walking down North Main Street when Anya had picked up Bell's scent, so they once again started following them.

Back at the Hostess of Fertility, Hestia begged Hermes to search for Bell. She had been begging him for quite some time. Hermes reminded Hestia that he had already asked Asfi to search for him. Ais who was nearby apologized to Hermes for being unable to find him. Asfi then returned and told Hermes that she found Bell and Syr, and they were currently on the move in the Northeast region of Orario. Hestia asked Ais again for her help, so they left to find Bell again and Asfi left as well soon after.

Bell asked Syr as he followed her to explain to him what was going on. Syr apologized to him, but told him that they have to concentrate on getting far away first. As they ran, Bell heard a clunking noise from Syr’s handbag, which she carried with her the previous day as well.

They stopped for a short time and Bell pulled the pendant out of his pocket and tried to give it to her. Seeing this, Syr took it and apologized to Bell telling him that she must have forgotten it yesterday when she left the inn. Syr put the pendant back into her bag, hugged him and apologized to him. She explained to Bell that now is her only chance and if she doesn’t do anything now, her desire would never be fulfilled. Bell was confused and asked her what she meant. Syr told him that because she had broken her treaty, she would never be allowed to see him again.

Bell thought to himself that he had never heard Syr say something with such desperation before and noticed thatit looked as if she was about to cry when he heard an enchantment. Bell grabbed Syr and dodged away from an incoming attack.He noticed that Hogni had just tried to kill her. Bell stood in front of Syr noticing that all of Hogni’s attacks were aimed solely at her, and that he was trying to make sure that no harm came to Bell. As they fought, Bell asked Hogni what was going on, wondering why Hogni would try to kill Syr after everything that Hedin had said about her. Hogni told Bell to get out his way and told him that this foolish girl had tried to break her agreement with their goddess.

As Bell fought Hogni, he noticed that his personality was completely different from when they previously had met. Bell managed to somehow stop all of Hogni’s attack, but suddenly Hogni’s speed increased and just before he managed to get an attack in from around Bell that would have killed Syr, Ryuu appeared before them, stopping Hogni’s blade from killing her. The Gulliver Brothers arrived soon after, but as they did Anya, Chloe and Lunorie appeared to face them. They all told Bell and Syr to run away while they try to save them some time. Noticing that they were solely trying to kill Syr, Bell thought it was too dangerous for her to be there, so they ran away together.

As Ryuu fought Hogni, Hogni remembered who Ryuu was, and realized that he couldn’t kill her because Freya liked her. As they fought, Ryuu started receiving cuts from attacks that she thought that she had either dodged or blocked, and she noticed that Hogni’s weapon was actually a curse weapon. The curse afflicted to Hogni’s blade was as if the blade extended invisibly beyond the actual tip of the blade extending its reach.

Lunorie and the Gulliver Brothers recognized each other from her days as an assassin, when she attempted to kill them. The waitresses struggled to fight them for sometime, but then Alfrigg told his brothers ‘enough.’ As soon as Alfrigg said this, they knocked the waitress weapons out of their hands. After they were disarmed, Grer slashed Lunorie across the chest with his greatsword, Dvallin hit Chloe’s body with his hammer breaking some of her bones, and Berling hit Anya with his ax. Anya remained the only one left standing after the attack, and Hognidefeated Ryuu soon after.

One of the other brothers asked Berling what he was doing, because he went easy on Anya, but then they remembered that she was a member of their familia and Allen’s sister. Anya looked at her fallen comrades around her and got mad at them, telling them that she was going to protect Syr and her comrades.

Just after she said this, Allen appeared in front of them, asking Anya what she was doing there. Anya was surprised to see Allen there and asked why he was there, which he responded by saying he was the one asking her that. She apologized to him several times afterwards in response.Anya told him afterwards that Syr was like an important family member to her, and she was there trying to protect her. Allen told her get out of their way, but Anya hesitantly tried to explain how she wanted to protect Syr. Allen continued to insist for her to move, and in the end Anya was unable to disobey her brother's wishes, collapsing to her knees crying as Allen and the rest of his familia left.

Ais and Hestia were on East Main Street when they heard the sound of people fighting from the North nearby. Asfi and Hermes were there as well. Bell and Syr happened to run by, butstopped when they saw them. Hestia asked Bell what was going on. Bell told them that Freya’s familia was attacking them and Ryuu, as well as the other waitresses, were currently fighting them. While Bell said this, Syr tried to hide herself behind him in an attempt to hide from Hestia. Hermes asked Syr if it was safe for them to confirm that she was the one that Freya’s Familia were after.

Syr said yes and asked Hermes to save her, asking him just to save her some time. Hermes agreed and then asked Ais if she would mind helping. Hermes ensured Ais that he only wanted her to get in Freya’s Familia's way, and that he didn’t intend on dragging Loki’s Familia into a dispute with Freya’s Familia. Ais agreed to help Hermes, and then Hermes asked Asfi to go and help Ais. Asfi was hesitant, asking if he really intended on wrapping her into a battle with Freya’s Familia, but Hermes said to her that he knew that Asfi was worried about Ryuu as well, so Asfi agreed to go with Ais. Hermes then told Bell to run and to make sure that he protects Syr, so they parted ways there.

After they left, Hestia asked Hermes what Syr was, and asked what was going on. Hermes replied and said that he didn’t know himself. Hermes explained to Hestia that he has his own theories, but he doesn’t know what or who Syr actually was, and that goes for other gods as well. Hermes continued and said that the only one that probably knows about Syr was Loki. Hestia thought to herself afterwards that in all of her knowledge of the lower world, she had never seen such an irregular before, wondering if Syr was a goddess.

Bell and Syr ran Souththrough the construction region of Orario when Syr told Bell that she knows a place they could hide. Syr led Bell into an abandoned factory. Once there, Bell asked her if she can tell him why Freya’s Familia was trying to kill her. Syr told Bell it was because Freya was falling in love with him. Bell was surprised, but then he remembered again of how Freya told him that she loves him on the day that he saved Haruhime. Syr told Bell afterwards that they were angry at her for trying to steal him away from Freya. She then told him that there were many things that she has never told him, before telling him that now was her only chance. Syr told Bell of how she liked him after drawing close to him and Bell closed his eyes. As he did so, Syr dropped her handbag and wrapped her arm around him.

As Syr hugged Bell, she thought to herself about how it was his fault that he changed her goddess so much, thinking that if only she met him before her goddess, and had known how much he would change her, she would have killed him before they could have ever met. She held a knife in her hand as she thought to herself of how she was breaking her agreement with her goddess, but that it was needed to do so in order to fulfill her own desire. Syr finally thought to herself that she would break her goddess free of her bad dream, thinking that the girl’s hero and the goddess’s destined partner was not needed.

Bellopened his eyes and grabbed her arm, stopping her knife as she rose it to kill him, andasked her who she was. She asked Bell what he was talking about, so Bell told her that she wasn’t the Syr that he knew. She told him that it was her, and reminded Bell of how he had been protecting her all day. Bell told her that he did protect her, but that was only because he didn’t want to allow someone to be murdered in front of him, and that it would have been the same whether if it was the Syr that he knew or anyone else.

Bell then reminded her that since they met today, he hadn’t called her Syr once all day. Bell accused her afterwards saying that she had plotted to kill him from the beginning. She asked him afterwards how he knew she wasn’t Syr, and Bell told her it was from her pendant. Bell continued and told her that from when he first saw her today, he felt as if she was staring at him with a murderous intention. He then told her that, he didn’t put out the possibility that Syr may have wanted to kill him, although that would be hurtful to him if she did, but he had to confirm it. Bell continued and told her that he knew she wasn’t Syr and that he knew ever since he gave her the pendant.

She asked him what he meant, and Bell told her that he didn’t give her Syr’s spirit pendant, he gave her his swordsman’s pendant. Bell than told her that there was no way that the Syr he knew wouldn’t have recognized that it was the wrong pendant after how happy she was when he gave it to her. Bell asked her afterwards who she was again. She told him that he doesn’t need to know, and that she had already lost. After saying that, she told him that Syr was waiting for him in the place of only the two of their memories.

Bell asked her afterwards if she was not going to go with him and reminded her about Freya’s Familia being after her. She told him afterwards that as long as he wasn’t with her that they have no reason to kill her. Bell asked her if that was really true, and she said it was. Deciding that he could do nothing but trust her, Bell left to find Syr.

Shortly after Bell had left, Allen sent the girl in Syr’s appearance’s body flying through a pillar supporting the buildingand into a wall by hitting her with the handle of his spear. She fell onto the ground bleeding a lot, with wounds all over her body. Allen called her Horn and told herto answer his questions before she died. As an effect of the damage she had taken, Horn’s magic was undone and she took her original appearance. Allen told her that Syr’s avoidance of them during the goddess festival has been going too well, and he asked her if she had gotten Ottar and Hedin’s help.

Horn told Allenthat she betrayed Freya and tried to kill Bell, but she told him that it was because he was changing her. She continued and told him that he and the rest of their Familia don’t understand, but she did. Saying that even if Freya didn’t desire it, she had to kill him for Freya to continue to exist as herself. Allen however disagreed with her before telling her that she wasn’t the the goddess’s attendant, she was just a fanatic.

Horn remembered the day she first met Freya.

Syr was freezing and lonely one snowy day in a slumsomewhere. She did not understand why she was so dirty andempty.Just when she was thinking of dying, Freya appeared before her and asked her if she was ok. Freya then told Syr that she was just about to save her, but she wondered what it was that she desired. After looking at Freya, Syr told her that she wantedto become her. Freya thought it was strange, nobody had said that to her before.Then Freya told her to give her her name, and in exchange she gave Syr the name Horn.

When Horn became a member of Freya’s Familia and received Freya’s blessing, she was granted with a Vana Seith. Her magic was a transformation magic that allowed her to become Freya. When she transformed into Freya she shared Freya’s five senses and could feel her emotions as if they were her own. The only thing that heldHorn back fromtrue transformation into the goddess was her inability to use arcanum. From that day, Syr had stopped being her old existence and became a daughter of the gods.

However, when Bell had appeared in front of Freya, everything had changed for Horn. Horn could tell by Freya’s emotions when she was Freya and Freya was Syr. Her goddesswas losing her godhood and becoming a lower form of existence as Syr. Because of this, Horn knew that she needed to kill him, because of how he was changing her. However, Bell became stronger and stronger at a pace that Horn did not expect to the point that Horn no longer had the strength required to kill him. Because of this, she decided that she had to get him alone with her at the Goddess Festival.

The day Horn delivered the letter to Bell, she desperately tried to hide her desire to kill him, but at the same time she felt love towards him because of her connection with Freya making her feel lost, but in order to protect her goddess, she went along with her plans to try to kill him. However, she lost to Bell and failed. When she went to Freya before the goddess festival, Freya told her that she agreed to let her be Bell’s date for one day of the festival, but said if he saw through her then she lost, and she had to promise Freya that she would never again interact with Bell. Bell saw through her however, so Horn admitted defeat and in the end, she accepted that she could not free Freya from her bad dream.

Bell ran to Daedalus Street thinking that Syr was mostly likely waiting for him where she comforted him when he was conflicted duringthe situation with the Xenos. When he got there, he saw Syr sitting there waiting for him. Syr commented on how Bell managed to find her, and Bell told her that a person who looked just like her told him where she was. Bell held the pendant in his hand, and asked Syr why she had wanted to do this. Syr told him that it was like she told him yesterday, she wanted to convey her feelings towards him.

Syr told Bell that she thinks she doesn’t understand her own-self more than anything else. She told him that she didn’t think that she could until she truly confessed to him, before telling him that she liked him. Remembering what Welf told himand his own feelings towards Ais, Bell told her he was sorry.


It was raining heavily in Orario. Syr was walking through the city and realizedthat she arrived at Amor Square on Orario’s Southwest Main Street.She heard someone walking behind her and called out to Ottar. After he responded, Syr told Ottar to make preparations, and told him they were going to take Bell. Ottar asked her if she was fine with that. Syr told him that Syr’s time was over, before telling him that she should have done it this way from the start. Upon saying this, Syr transformed into Freya.

DanMachi Light Novel Volume 16/Synopsis (2024)


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.